Sorry about not posting yesterday, I was getting ready for surprise trip to Charleston. I'll be attending a composites meeting there.
Last week, I told you about one of the newest shear lines Wolff is now carrying, the Lucky Hare® Line. Today, I'd like to point you to the other line, the Shark Fin® Collection.
The Shark Fin® Line is becoming a powerhouse in the industry. They are excellent shears, top quality in all regards, and designed to be one of the most ergonomically correct shears your customers have ever seen. I could write a bunch, but let me just quote some of what the Shark Fin®'s creator has said:
"...our patented handle helps to properly align nerves and tendons in your hand, which can greatly reduce your risk of: tendonitis, arm pain, nerve damage, neck and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and back pain."
"The crane grip was developed to move your thumb from under your ring finger to under your index finger. This releases all the pressure and stress put on the nerves and tendons in your hand and thumb. ALL of our Shark Fin® shears are made with the crane grip. Also, we don't use screw on finger rests as they tend to fall off. Ours are part of the shear... one less thing to worry about."
I could continue pasting quotes, but instead, why not visit the Shark Fin® site and look around for yourself. Here's a link:
There you can find out about their swivel thumb shears, all the different styles they sell, and you can view both their beauty and grooming lines.
If you have any questions on price, or would like more information, just give Wolff a call at 800-888-3832. You're also welcome to call Randy, the creator of Shark Fin®. He's a super nice guy and more that willing to help. Just tell him you read about him here on Jim Sharp. His number is 1-888-544-7254.