Sorry for the lull in posts!!! My week started with preparations for the Wolff/ Huff Show and then it just got crazy from there!
I trained John Welin on Tuesday. He came for some advanced training on setting and just to touch up his skills on the Hira-To. Everyone should do this from time-to-time. All of Wolff's classes are one-on-one and tailored to each individual. Come with questions and we'll get them answered!
On Wednesday and Thursday I took my family to the low-country of South Carolina for a trip to the zoo and to visit my brother and his family. My brother David is a preacher and he just got called to his first church a few months ago. He lives in a small town called Blackville that reminds me a lot of Knox City where the Huffman's live. We had a great visit!
Today, I'm putting the finishing touches on the new Hira-To website I'm designing! I'll attempt to upload it to the web next week. This is a basic template site, but I'm learning how to create websites in CSS format. It's a little complicated, but I'm catching on! Look for a better looking site in the future!
I've also had a few calls come in about the new felt disc with the diamond compound I told all of you about last month. My hold up has been the diamond paste! It took forever to get here, but it's here now! We'll be send them out the first of next week, so if you have a Hira-To, keep an eye out!
That is pretty much it! Next week I will start chronicling the events leading up to and through the Wolff/ Huff Show. So drop in each day for updates. There will also be a full write up in On The Edge.
Glad they let you out of the zoo. Looking forward to seeing you next week.