Friday, February 22, 2008


The Sharpening Business

Without a doubt, sharpening has got to be one of the best part time businesses on the planet! It can also be one heck of a full time businesses if you're willing to put some energy into it. The beauty of this business is you can start it in the evenings and weekends if your working, and you can work when you want if you're retired.

Scissor and Clipper Blade Sharpening
My favorite kinds of sharpening businesses are Scissor Sharpening and Clipper Blade Sharpening. You can add any others to that if you wish, but these two are my favorites. I like them for a number of reasons:

1. Most Styling Salons are open late, so you can work in the evening.
2. Many Dog Groomers are also open late.
3. Both of these potential customers work on the weekends.
4. There are many place you can go to sharpen shears...
Carpet Manufacturers
Awning Manufacturers
Bedding Manufacturers
Automotive Detailers
Canvas Manufacturers
Craft Shops
Sail Makers
Dry Cleaners
Tailor Shops
Tent Manufacturers
and many more (e-mail me at for a list of 140 Places to Sharpen Shears)
5. All of these businesses NEED a good scissors or clipper blade sharpener!

I have a number of students that started out part time that now have booming full time businesses. I also have a lot of retired students that have built their sharpening businesses up to a comfortable level, and now just enjoy the relationships they've built with their customers.

One of my retired students just called me the other day and said...

"I love this business! I run around town three days a week, make a few hundred dollars a day and spend the rest of my time playing golf. I've never been happier!"

Sharpening = Freedom

I've said it before, and I'll say it again; my favorite thing about scissor and clipper blade sharpening is the freedom it can afford! If you want to talk more about this, or talk about ways you can get more bang for your buck and make more money with less time invested, shoot me an e-mail me at the address above.

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