Saturday, December 1, 2012

Shark Tooth or Snake Tooth Thinner Teeth

In the December Issue of On The Edge I wrote an article on how to re-tooth thinning shears if you need to sharpen the tooth blade. In the article I ran out of room for pictures and wanted to drop a drawing in here at Jim Sharp to show what I was talking about when speaking of Shark Tooth and/or Snake Tongue/Tooth thinner teeth. In the article I said it would be best not to even try to re-sharpen these teeth. Instead I always try to replace shears with teeth like this if the customer will have it. Here's what I was talking about:

The one on the left is a sharks tooth. You'd find a tooth similar to this on the Kenchii Orca. The one on the right is the snake tounge/tooth (or v-notched) tooth. I've often referred to these teeth this way over the phone because the one on the left has that jagged look like the side od a sharks tooth and the one on the right looks like a snake tounge or it's fangs. There isn't a tool out there that will let you re-cut these notch styles, so that's why I like to replace them instead of try to "fix" them. In the article in the newsletter I showed how to cut new notches in standard teeth on a thinner with a corrugating file and talked about how to do it on the Wolff Corru-Gator.

This article was one in a series I'm doing right now. In November 2012 I wrote about how to ramp the teeth on thinners to reduce that choppy feel they can have. In the January 2013 I will write on how to deal with bent teeth. If you'd like to see a copy of On The Edge you can see a preview issue here:

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